real life. real purpose. real change.

Divine Design is a coaching package that helps you discover how you are uniquely made. Generally, it consists of 6 coaching sessions. The goal of this program is to help you articulate who you are, so that you can move forward with confidence and intention. Divine Design uses various inventories to hone in on your strengths, personality, and spiritual gifts. Your greatest kingdom impact comes when you are operating out of your own divine design. Your greatest frustration comes when you are trying to operate out of another person’s divine design.
God created you uniquely. How you are wired (personality), how you are strengthened (strengths), and how you are empowered (spiritual gifts) all combines to make you His own special creation. It is your Divine Design.
Your divine design is not a position or role but a creation. God’s creation! Wherever you find yourself whether at home, school, work, church, or play you bring your divine design. It is you.
The Divine Design will help you discover, articulate, and leverage your divine design for greatest kingdom impact. This is accomplished by…
• Completing assessments that help you discover your personality type, strengths, and spiritual giftedness
• Gleaning words, phrases, and insights from the assessments to articulate your divine design
• Developing next steps, actions to leverage your Divine Design
Ways to use the Divine Design process:
1. Individual Discovery – Discover for the first time your own divine design
2. Ministry Clarification – Refresh your call to ministry, or help you transition to a new role in ministry
3. New Member/New Believer Orientation – help each person determine where to plug into the ministry of the church
4. Team Building – learning how to relate to each other more effectively to work better together
5. Marital Coaching – help couples really know their spouse
6. Missional Service – how God has made you to impact your home, work, and community
7. College & Career - Increased personal awareness will give clarity about choices. (Potentially saving thousands of dollars in education expenses and saving time by heading in the right direction from the start.)
Benefits of knowing your Divine Design:
• Stronger Purpose
• Clearer Vision
• Increased Confidence
• Renewed Assurance
• Clarity of Role
• Intentional Focus
• Greater Kingdom Impact
​Ready to begin the next step of your journey? Click here to fill out the application.