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Frequently Asked Questions



How Do I know if Coaching is Right For Me?

You can see your future and dream of what might be.

You desire to make the most of your time and relationships.

You feel like you are on the edge of something good.

If only that fog in the middle would clear...


Are you ready for coaching?

  • Are you ready to be completely honest with yourself?

  • Are you ready to clarify your mission, purpose, and vision as well as your goals?

  • Are you ready to invest your time, energy, and financial resources to follow through on your commitments and reach your goals?


FAQs about Coaching

  1. What is coaching?
    Coaching is about moving forward in any area of your life from making a decision to a shifting your perspective on some issue. Coaching is client-centered. You, the client, do the work. Statistics say that 80% of the time people will successfully accomplish ideas they come up with on their own compared to a much smaller success rate that accompanies the suggestions of others. I believe you know what will work best for you and have the answers to live your own life successfully.


  2. What does a coach do?
    As your coach, I honor the client as competent and capable in your life and work. I believe that you are creative, resourceful and whole. With that lens, I will ask open-ended questions that assist you in discovery, clarity, and that align with what you want to achieve. Coaching elicits client-generated solutions and strategies, which ultimately have better outcomes.


  3. What about the client?
    You set the agenda! The client chooses the coaching topic of what would like to be accomplished. Also, you will work with me to design a plan of action. You can get coaching for as long as you like. We can discuss what would be the best fit.


  4. Who is coaching for?
    Everyone. If you are hungry for change in any area of your life, you are a good candidate for coaching. Here are some of the topics people receive coaching around:

    • Life transitions

    • Career shifts

    • Relational conflicts (Colleagues, friends, etc.)

    • Personal goals you want to accomplish (Writing a book, cleaning out your closet, health related issues, etc.)

    • Basically, any desire!

  5. What will I get out of coaching?
    You will get out as much as you put into it. Like many other forms of growth in life, when you show up fully, the outcome is much greater. In coaching, I have seen clients produce: greater self awareness and appreciation of who they are created to be, the ability to create and take advantage of opportunity, and begin to create the type of future one most desires.


  6. How would coaching help my business?
    Coaching actually started just a handful of decades ago and was mainly used by business executives. It has become such a powerful tool in the business world, that all sorts of genres of coaches have sprouted up since. Hiring a coach for your business is bringing coaching back to its roots. And it doesn't even have to be just for the CEO! If employees in an organization have a greater sense of self-awareness, they will be more connected to the mission of the organization and how they fit within that. This will lead to tremendous results.


  7. How is coaching different from counseling?
    Coaching is about working in the now to create the type of future you are looking for. Past experiences may come up in coaching, as it can be necessary to launch the client into the future, but healing past wounds is not the main focus. Coaching is about building and strengthening what you already possess. It gives you vision for the future. As a coach, I do not diagnose, nor am I trained to treat people who are struggling with mental illness.


  8.How long are sessions?

     Sessions are up to one hour in length, unless otherwise stated.


  9.How many sessions?

     A commitment of at least 6 - 8 sessions is preferred.  This will allow enough time for the coach and client to get to know each other, and to see           forward movement.



       (Divine Design takes 6 sessions.)

       (Enneagram Coaching starts with one session called: Discover Your Type,  then five Sessions for: Explore Your Type)



   10. Where will the sessions take place?

           Sessions can be conducted via phone, ZOOM  or in person (if possible).


   11. What if I need to cancel or reschedule a session?

         Any cancellations or rescheduling sessions need to be done 24 hours in advance. Cancellations without at least a 24 hour notice will not                        be refunded.


    12. Can I book a free discovery call?

           Yes! A Discovery Call is meant to be an opportunity to get to know one another, and assess whether we would make good partners as                            client and coach. It’s also an opportunity for you to ask any questions about the coaching process.
           The best part is that you decide if coaching is right for you! Signing up for a Discovery Call means there are no strings attached!


      13. Where can I schedule a free discovery call?

          Begin by watching the video. Use the link below.


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